If you’re dating a Virgo, there are things you need to know about them. It is not easy to date one of these perfectionists.

Their tendency towards nit-picking and anxiety can be hard on a partner. Quite often, this sign can become toxic in a relationship due to this tendency.

If you want to know what it is really like to date a Virgo, this post is for you! We are going to reveal 8 toxic relationship traits of this perfectionist zodiac sign.

If you are also a Virgo or dating someone from this sign, comment below to let us know.

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8. Take criticism to heart

Virgos are often perfectionists. They want to do everything right. And if something doesn’t go the way they think it should, they are hard on themselves.

If you are dating a Virgo, you may have noticed that they are often critical of themselves. If you try to help them out, suggesting that they do something differently, they may take your criticism to heart. They may start to pick up on every little mistake that they make—even if it is something that you don’t notice.

This may cause resentment to build up inside of both of you. If you try to offer constructive criticism, they will likely take it as an attack. You may have to be careful when offering your advice so that it doesn’t come off as an insult.

7. Constant Nit-Picking

Virgos are known to be very critical. They can be hard on themselves—but they can also be hard on their partners.

If you are dating a Virgo, you may find that they are constantly trying to find faults in you and your habits. They may be critical of the way that you dress, how you style your hair, or even how often you clean your house. If you are dating a Virgo, you may find that you feel constantly criticized by them.

They may offer constructive criticism when you don’t ask for their advice. And sometimes, it may come off as more aggressiveness than helpfulness.

It can be extremely hard to please this sign. You may feel as if you are always having to defend yourself against a constant flow of criticism. You may feel as if you are under attack from your lover. This can be very toxic in a relationship.

You may want to let them know that you don’t like them criticizing you. You may want to set boundaries on what they can criticize you for. Let them know that you don’t mind their constructive criticism—but that you don’t like it when they criticize you.

6. You Feel Babysat

Virgos are known for being over-achievers. They like to do everything as perfectly as possible. For this reason, they may spend a lot of time criticizing themselves and others. They may also want to take care of everything.

If you are dating a Virgo, you may feel like they are constantly trying to take care of you. This can be okay, but it can also be a bit suffocating. Sometimes, you just want to be able to do things by yourself. You don’t want your partner to be constantly reminding you to do things or trying to fix things for you that don’t need to be fixed.

If you are dating a Virgo, you may want to let them know that you don’t like feeling babied.

5. Lack Of Appreciation For You

Virgos are very polite people. But that doesn’t mean that they always show you that they appreciate you.

If you are dating a Virgo, you may feel that they never actually show you that they appreciate you. You may feel as if they don’t appreciate the things that you do for them. This can be a big issue in a relationship.

You may start to feel unimportant and insecure if you aren’t receiving the appreciation that you deserve. You may want to talk to your Virgo lover about this. Let them know the ways that they can show their appreciation to you.

Before we move on and reveal the next toxic relationship trait of the Virgo zodiac sign...

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4. Never Satisfied

As we have already told you, Virgos are known to be perfectionists. This means that they will never be satisfied. They will always be looking for ways to improve things.

This can be a good thing—but it can also be a bad thing.

If your Virgo lover is always looking for ways to improve things, they may never be satisfied with the state of your relationship. They may always be looking for ways to make things better.

Click Here To Learn About The Other Zodiac Toxic Relationship Traits

3. Always Controlling

Virgo is a zodiac sign of controlling people. They may be constantly controlling the way that you do things. They may insist that you do things in a certain way—even if it is not the best way.

They may try to control the way that you dress, your diet, and the choices that you make in life.

If you are dating a Virgo, you may want to let them know that you don’t like to be controlled. You may want to set boundaries on the things that they control in your life.

2. Serious business and Less Fun

Virgos prefer to stay serious. They may be hard to get a laugh out of.

If you are dating a Virgo, you may notice that they are very business-minded. This can make their relationships feel less fun.

Moreover, Virgos are likely to be very driven and hard-working people. They may be very career-oriented. They may want to focus on their work more than they want to focus on their relationships.

This can be fine if your partner is open about this. If they are upfront with you about their serious nature, you can deal with it. If they don’t share this with you—or if they don’t respect your need for lightness in your relationship—this can be toxic.

1. Manipulative

Virgos are very manipulative people. They are likely to be very analytical and strategic thinkers. This can make them great at business—but it can also make them manipulative.

If you are dating a Virgo, you may notice that they are often trying to get their way. They may try to manipulate you into doing things. They may try to use guilt to get you to do things for them. They may also try to use fear to get you to stop doing things.

This can be toxic in a relationship. You may feel as if you can’t trust your partner. You may feel as if your partner is trying to control you. So if you notice this red flag, end the relationship because something becomes too serious.

So, guys, these were the 8 major toxic relationship traits of Virgos. Have ever dated a Virgo and noticed any of these red flags? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Top Dog over here. The main man himself. I’ve always been completely fascinated by the super natural, psychics and astrology. I love sharing my passion with the world.

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