Capricorns are the zodiac’s realists, which means that when it comes to dating, they are cautious and pragmatic above all else. Since Capricorns focus on long-term goals rather than short-term fun, anyone who wants to date a Capricorn must be willing to take their relationship seriously from the get-go.

That being said, dating a Capricorn doesn’t mean they’re dull or uninteresting. On the contrary, beneath that serious surface lies a curious and intelligent soul who would make an excellent partner for almost anyone willing to give them a chance.

In this post, we will tell you about some helpful tips and tricks on how to crack the code of a Capricorn and know them better so that your relationship stays in sync with this reserved zodiac sign.

So, let’s get started with the list!

In this post you will find out what it's really like when it comes to dating a Capricorn man and dating a Capricorn woman. This is part of a small series I've written that showcases the love compatibility of the different zodiac signs, so make sure you pay attention and don't forget to claim your free reading.

8. Ambitious and Driven to Succeed

Capricorns are focused on the future instead of the present, making them ambitious and driven to succeed in all areas of their lives, including dating. They are willing to put in the necessary legwork in order to find a suitable partner for life, and they often seek out people of equally high caliber.

If you want to date a Capricorn, you’ll need to be able to prove your worth in some way. Whether that means you’re a professional who’s rapidly climbing the career ladder, or someone who has a passion for philanthropy, Capricorns are interested in people who are actively creating positive change in the world.

7. Unpredictable and Prone to Mood-Swings

Although Capricorns are incredibly ambitious and driven to succeed, they are also prone to mood swings that may leave you scratching your head. No one understands the reason behind their sudden periods of melancholy better than the Capricorn themselves. Unfortunately, they’re not great at communicating their feelings to others, which can lead to misunderstandings and confusion on both sides.

If you date a Capricorn, be prepared to deal with unexpected emotional outbursts and bouts of moodiness. You may not be able to predict when they’ll happen, but you should be prepared to deal with them when they do. The best way to handle this is to remain patient and avoid making any rash decisions or judgments when your Capricorn partner is in one of their moods.

6. Drama-free Lives

Capricorns are drama-free, which makes them incredibly easy to date. Not only do they avoid drama in their own lives, but they also expect the same out of you. If you tend to be dramatic, or if you have an overly emotional personality, Capricorns aren’t the best partners for you.

It’s not that Capricorns are mean or spiteful; they simply don’t have time for drama. If you’re dating a Capricorn, you won’t be expected to attend every family member’s birthday party or deal with your high-school best friend’s break-up. In other words, you’ll be treated like an adult who can be responsible for your own actions.

So, if you are a mature person in a relationship, a Capricorn is the perfect partner for you. But if you love drama, you should avoid dating a practical-oriented Capricornian.

5. Closet-romantics, even if tough from outside

Although Capricorns are tough-as-nails, they are actually closet-romantics who are looking for the one true love of their lives, even if they aren’t always as obvious about it as they should be.

If you’ve ever dated a Capricorn, you know that they have an armored exterior, but they are sentimental, soft-hearted lovers on the inside. Although they aren’t always sure how to translate that into their dating lives, Capricorns are actually seeking someone who can keep up with their passionate, but guarded, hearts.

If you’re dating a Capricorn, you may have to work a bit harder to break that hard exterior and get to know the soft and caring soul that lives inside of Capricornians.

4. Incredible Sense of Humor

Capricorns are incredibly serious people who seem to take life way too seriously. This is because they’re extremely practical and responsible, which is why they’re often found in high-profile careers such as law, medicine, or engineering.

However, beneath this serious surface lurks an incredible sense of humor that’s waiting to burst out. Capricorns are well aware that life isn’t always serious, which is why they’re not afraid to let their silly sideshow.

If you’re dating a Capricorn, don’t be surprised if they break out into a spontaneous fit of laughter or crack a joke at a very inopportune time. You will definitely enjoy their sarcastic comments and witty remarks.

To learn more about a Capricorn in Love check out our other Capricorn related articles click here

3. Not Easily Impressed

If you’re dating a Capricorn, don’t expect them to be easily impressed by your gifts or extravagant gestures. They’re not easily impressed, which is why they tend to lead reserved and low-key dating lives.

If you’re dating a Capricorn, you probably have noticed that they are far from the impassioned lovers of pop culture. In fact, they’re far from impulsive in any way, which is why you may find yourself wondering what you can do to impress your Capricorn partner.

Capricorns don’t expect anything extravagant or over-the-top from them. Instead, be prepared to show them how much they mean to you in simple, intimate ways. They will like to see you impress them with their intelligence and hard work rather than materialistic things.

2. Master of Making Plans

If you’re dating a Capricorn, don’t be surprised if they have a to-do list for your date. In fact, they probably have a to-do list for the rest of your relationship, too.

Capricorns are natural-born planners who like to know the exact course of events for every day of their lives. Although this may seem overbearing to some people, it’s actually a sign of deep love and affection.

Capricorns are often so busy in their day-to-day lives. It is why they prefer to keep a list of all their daily plans. And if you are on their list, it is a sign they love you because they took time for you out of their busy schedule.

1. Difficult to Keep Them Interested

If you’re dating a Capricorn, you may find that they’re difficult to keep interested. This is because they’re so busy with work, family, and life in general that they don’t have time to devote to a relationship. Although they may love you deeply, they simply don’t have time to show it.

Therefore, you need to be patient and understanding with your Capricorn partner. They may not be able to sweep you off your feet like other zodiac signs might be able to. Instead, you’ll just have to sit back and wait for them to make time for you.

There you have it, the top 8 things about dating a Capricorn!And now, it’s over to you. What did you learn from things? Do you have any tips and tricks to add to this list? Make sure to let us know in the comments section below! One thing’s for sure: dating a Capricorn won’t be boring!

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Till next time!

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Top Dog over here. The main man himself. I’ve always been completely fascinated by the super natural, psychics and astrology. I love sharing my passion with the world.

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