Have your pervert eyes been fired up by a cheeky Pisces and now you’re wondering whether you can plant your parsnip there but don’t want to end up with a bruised ego?

Well, wonder no more, because I'm about to reveal the tantalizing signs that a Pisces wants to get frisky with you. So if you're looking to get into their bed tonight, and if a Pisces SECRETLY likes you, then keep watching!

Let us know in the comments down below what your star sign is and if you’re currently dating a Pisces

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9. Finds it hard to hide the LOVEy feelings

Pisces people are hopeless when it comes to hiding their feelings, so if they being highly flirtatious towards you or acting like a dog on heat then take note.

You might hear them saying cheeky sexual inuendos or other silly flirty behaviour, or they might just come out and say things like "I like you" or "I'm totally in love with you", and that is a clear indication that they are seeing you as something more than just a friend.

They will also make all the gestures of love, like hugging and kissing you in public no matter how embarrassing it is, buying you gifts and not caring if it's an appropriate time to do so, and many more.

So, if a Pisces fails to hide their emotions for you, it is a clear sign they want to play a jolly good game of tonsil hockey with you!

8. Stares At You

Bow chica wow wow, if a Pisces has a crush on you, they will stare at you until their eyes are sore. They will stare so much at you that you might start to wonder whether there is something on your face, but don’t worry, they just like you.

They will stare at you without even blinking or without even realizing that they are doing so.

This happens when they are attracted to you and are trying to figure out what you are like. Staring at you could be their way of getting to know you and also their way of showing their admiration for you.

Their constant attraction towards you means they want something serious to happen between you two. So, what are you waiting for, wipe the dust off your bed knobs and invite them over.

7. Your Jokes Are Funny, even though they’re not

People who have the sign of Pisces are very sensitive, and they need someone who is patient, calm, and understanding. It is why they are not comfortable around everyone. Only a certain type of people amuse them.

If a Pisces laughs at your jokes, it means they are more at ease with you. If they think your jokes are funny and they can’t stop laughing at your silly jokes, chances are they're interested in you as more than just friends.

If they laugh when your jokes suck then you know for sure that they have the hots for you.But if your jokes are legit funny then their laughs will not just be those polite laughs but actual howling laughter. This will be proof they are secretly pursuing you.

6. Shy When Around You

Pisces are often shy when it comes to talking about dating. They might not say anything because they don't want to come off too strong or scare you off.

If a Pisces wants to sleep with you, they will not be straightforward about it which makes them so hard to read. They won’t be too confident. They will just blush every time they speak to you. They will also be nervous about asking you out.

So, if you sense any shyness or awkwardness in your conversation with them, it is a clear-cut sign they have got the hots for you!

5. Wants to spend Quality Time with you

Pisces is a sign of introverts. They don’t prefer to be in the company of someone because they like being alone.

However, if a Pisces is interested in hooking up with you, they will want to spend quality time with you. They will want to spend their dates with you, hang out with you, go with you to any place you want, go out with you for shopping, and many more.

You just need to notice if they invite you to things, such as if they ask you out to go out for a walk or go watch a movie with you, it means they like being with you and want more from your relationship.

Still wondering if a Pisces SECRETLY Likes You?

Keep reading to find out the rest of the OBVIOUS Signs A Pisces SECRETLY Likes You.

4. Brags In Front of You

Pisces are often perceived as shy and introverted, but they love to express themselves. A Pisces is always looking for a way to be noticed. They may use flattery or bragging as a tactic to get someone's attention, but this does not mean that they are shallow or insincere. It just means they are interested in you.

It is just because he or she admires you, and wants you to see how good they are at things. They also have a tendency to want to show off their skills, which can come across as bragging or arrogance to some people, but it is just their way to lure you into loving them.

Click Here To Learn About The Hidden Signs They Like You

3. Witty and original

Pisces are deep thinkers who are always seeking new experiences. When they find a potential mate, they will approach them using the best of their knowledge and abilities. They will be witty and creative in order to appeal to their chosen partner.

A Pisces who wants to sleep with you will be original and witty when they speak to you or even text you. They will use words and say things that most of us don’t even think of saying, let alone using in conversations. They not only want to impress you but also want to learn about you.

So, if a Pisces seems interested in creative conversations with you, it is a big sign they want to get you into bed!

2. Showers you with gifts and surprises

Pisceans are romantic and affectionate fellows. When they want to hook up with a person, they don't leave any stone unturned to make the person feel special.

If a Pisces wants to sleep with you, they will shower you with gifts and surprises to show you their love. They will gift you things like flowers, chocolates, teddy bears, and many more. They will also surprise you with small gifts and cards.

These small gestures are a huge sign they want to get real with you. So, don’t miss a chance to hint back if you want to be with them.

1. They try To Involve You In Their Plans

As we have already told you, Pisceans are introverts. They don’t really like including anyone in their plans. However, if they do include you in their plans, it means they are interested.

They will try to get you to go out with them, go out with their friends, or do things with their family. Whenever they plan their weekend, you will be included in it. Whenever there’s a party, you will always get a call from them.

This will prove how desperately they want to be with you. So, don’t just guess; make the move already!

So, guys, these were the 9 clear signs that will help you know if a Pisces likes you or wants to sleep with you.

Are you dating a Pisces? Do they give off any of these signals? Let us know in the comment section below and don't forget to subscribe our channel!

Click here to find out how compatible you are with the other zodiac signs

Thanks for watching… Goodbye!

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Top Dog over here. The main man himself. I’ve always been completely fascinated by the super natural, psychics and astrology. I love sharing my passion with the world.

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