Are you getting some cringey texts coupled with lame excuses from your aquarian lover right now? Today I donโ€™t feel like doing anything, except you. Or my internet is limited right now, when they donโ€™t text you for days after youโ€™ve hooked up.Well, if starting to rub your didgeridoo up the wrong way, and youโ€™re wondering what the bleep is really going on, then this post is about to dispel the confusion and show you the 10 obvious signs that they are using you so that you can make a decision.

So pay attention because this is going to be important for your future and make sure you stay till the end.. because we have saved the best till last

But before that, comment down below and let us know if you are currently dating an Aquarius and what your star sign is

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Lets spill the tea

10. They are cranky

If they are wearing their grumpy pants a bit too often and being cranky and rude towards you when youโ€™re not hooking up, this is a big red flag. Aquarians are sensitive and intellectual people. Their reactions to people around them are often based on their moods or feelings. If they feel that you're a burden and you're not adding any value to his or her life, then they will be cranky towards you.

They will be especially irritated when you show affection or when you initiate a conversation, except when they want to have sex.

It is a huge sign they are in the relationship just for their physical needs. And if thatโ€™s the case, itโ€™s time you accept the reality and get out of that relationship.

9. They Give You the Bare Minimum

If they seem to prefer it when you shut up and act as they want then this is a huge red flag. You should be aware that Aquarians are known for being cold and aloof. They are usually not into commitment and may be a bit of a user. If they give you the bare minimum, they are using you without taking any commitment on their side.

You will not be able to get them to help you with anything. They donโ€™t want to be tied down to anything, and they are also not into being in a relationship. They donโ€™t want to be told what to do by anyone they donโ€™t really like.

8. Keeps you at a distance

If they're keeping a distance from you, they're likely to be keeping a mental distance too. And it'll be very difficult to get close to them if they don't want you too.

So if they are not initiating contact with you or they are not responding to your texts or calls, they are probably using you.

Having a partner who keeps you at a distance is a huge red flag for abuse. It's a sign that your partner is putting up a barrier between the two of you because they don't want to be invested in the relationship. They want to keep you at arm's length so that you don't get too close.

7. Not interested in quality time

If you havenโ€™t been taken out for a proper date and youโ€™ve been giving them all of your love and affection and they are just not giving anything back, it's a sign that they are using you.

If they don't want to go on dates with you or they don't want to spend quality time with you, it means they are just taking advantage of you.

Now, it's true that some people don't like quality time, and that's fine. But Aquarians are not like this. They prefer to spend time with their partners, but only when they are seriously interested in them.

6. You aren't a part of his circle

If your Aquarius partner is not inviting you to their events, or they are not having you around their friends and family, it means your relationship is a walking red flag. It means they are using you just for sex.

If itโ€™s the case, they don't want you to meet their friends and family because they don't want them to get attached to you. They donโ€™t want others to think of you two as in a serious relationship.

Before we move on and reveal the next sign an Aquarius is using you for sex...

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Make sure you stay till the end.. because we have saved the best till last

5. They snap at you

If your Aquarius partner is snapping at you for silly reasons, or they're snapping at you when you don't do anything wrong, this is a sign that they are taking advantage of you.

If your Aquarius partner is using you, they will blame you for things when you don't deserve them. They will blame you for things when you didn't do anything wrong or for things that arenโ€™t remotely related to you. It is a sign of an abusive relationship.

Click Here To Learn About The Hidden Signs They Like You

4. They ghost you

Is your Aquarius partner ignoring your calls? Are they not responding to your texts, or are they not initiating contact with you?

If so, they are ghosting you and, most likely, not interested.

It is a sign they are trying to get rid of you and are trying to break up with you, but they don't want to do it directly. It means they are not really interested in building a future with you and are just looking for someone else.

3. It's their way or the highway

The Aquarius are strong-willed people. They're independent and know what they want. If your Aquarius partner is using you, it's their way or the highway. It means they're unwilling to compromise or negotiate.

They might insist that they have to have their way so that they can get something done. And this will usually be followed by a lecture or an ultimatum. They might give you an ultimatum, like "I can't do this until you do X.

Moreover, they will make demands when not in the mood for them. They will threaten to stop being friends or lovers with you if you don't do what they want.

These are big red flags in a relationship. If you notice these, run in the opposite direction!

2. They are indifferent about your comfort

Aquarius partners can be very caring and generous, but if they are using you, they will not show it in any way.

For example, if your Aquarius partner spends a lot of money on themselves, but they do not split the bill with you, they are more than likely using you.

They will not show their true colors until they have used you. So, it is better you recognize them soon and get out of that toxic relationship as soon as possible!

1. They are not ready for a commitment

Generally, Aquarians are very good at manipulating people and playing games. They will do anything to get what they want, and that includes using their partners.

They will never be ready for a commitment but will not want to break up with you either. It is a sign that they want you just for their present needs and donโ€™t see a future with you.

You must let them go before things get worse for you.

So, guys, these were the 10 most obvious signs an Aquarius is using you for sex! Have you ever noticed any of these in your partner? Have you ever felt used in your relationship? Share your experience with us in the comment section below.

Click here to find out how compatible you are with the other zodiac signs

Till next timeโ€ฆ Goodbye!

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Top Dog over here. The main man himself. Iโ€™ve always been completely fascinated by the super natural, psychics and astrology. I love sharing my passion with the world.

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